Master The Outer Worlds: The Universal Scientist Build Guide

Embark on a journey through The Outer Worlds as a Universal Scientist, with a build focused on utilizing the game’s Science Weapons to their maximum potential. This guide will help you create a character that can effectively use all types of Science Weapons and dominate the battlefield with impressive effects and devastating damage.

Attributes for the Universal Scientist

Start off by investing points in Intelligence and Strength. Intelligence boosts critical damage with any weapon, making it ideal for a build that uses multiple weapon types, while Strength increases melee damage, which is essential for maximizing the impact of Science Weapons.

Important Skills for the Universal Scientist

Science is the most vital skill for the Universal Scientist, as it passively increases the damage and effects of Science Weapons while also reducing Tinkering costs. Focus heavily on this skill and max it out first. Other important skills include Ranged and Melee, which should be raised to around 60 each to maximize weapon effectiveness.

Perk Recommendations for the Universal Scientist

Perks are crucial for enhancing your Science Weapons’ performance. Tier 1 Perks like Toughness and High Maintenance are essential for staying alive and minimizing weapon repairs. Tier 2’s Weird Science boosts Science Weapon damage by 50%, while Tier 3’s Wild Science further increases damage by another 50%. Other useful Perks include Confidence, Armor Master, and Penetrating Shots.

Choosing Science Weapons and Armor

The Universal Scientist build focuses on using Science Weapons such as Shrink Ray, Mandibular Rearranger, Prismatic Hammer, Gloop Gun, and Mind Control Ray. Armor selection is up to personal preference, but the SugarOps Helmet is an excellent choice for boosting N-ray and Plasma damage. High armor values are important for withstanding damage during close-quarters combat.

Final Tips for the Universal Scientist

Experiment with all Science Weapons and decide which ones you prefer. You can then respec your character and redistribute skill points to focus on those specific weapons. Tinker with your Science Weapons to increase their damage, and consider using Vicar Max as a companion for an additional 20% boost to Science Weapon damage. Finally, follow the Weapons From the Void quest to obtain all required Science Weapons and complete your build.

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