Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning – Mastering the Finesse Build

In this guide, we will explore Finesse builds in Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning, including pure Finesse, hybrid builds, and general strategies to maximize your potential as a Finesse character.

To start with, let’s examine the Destinies associated with a pure Finesse build. As you allocate more points into Finesse, you will unlock various upgrades, culminating in the Nightblade Destiny at 109 points. A key feature of this build is Assassination, which grants a +300% damage guaranteed critical hit after triggering evasion. Evasion allows you to passively avoid certain attacks, making this build a high-damage, evasive powerhouse.

Pure Finesse builds generally favor ranged attacks, but hybrid Finesse-Might builds offer a balance between melee and ranged prowess. These hybrids provide bonuses to stealth-based builds, making them a good choice for those aiming to combine sneaky and aggressive playstyles.

In terms of abilities and weapons, Finesse builds will use the longbow and a selection of bladed weapons to maximize bonuses from abilities such as Blade Honing and Venom Weapons. The goal of a pure Finesse build is to stack poison and bleed effects on enemies, then pick them off with ranged or melee attacks.

By allocating points into Might or Sorcery, you can create hybrid Finesse builds that take advantage of multiple skill trees. Finesse-Might builds can use heavier weapons and gain bonuses to health and critical chance, while Finesse-Sorcery builds can add elemental damage to ranged attacks or focus on ranged weaponry like staffs, scepters, and chakrams.

Regardless of your specific build, mastering the Scattershot ability with a longbow is essential for maximizing your damage as a Finesse character. This powerful charged shot can obliterate enemies at close range or hit multiple targets with careful positioning.

In summary, Finesse builds in Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning offer a versatile playstyle with options for pure and hybrid character builds. Experiment with different combinations of abilities, weapons, and Destinies to create the perfect Finesse character for your playstyle. Stay tuned to for more Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning content, including beginner tips and detailed build guides.

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